Teaching staff

Philip Doe

Teacher & assistant Director of YLF

Philip Doe Amaglo is a dynamic young man who is committed to improving the lives of vulnerable groups in the society. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from the University of Ghana. He teaches in Swedru Senior High School, one of the biggest second cycle schools in Ghana. He also teaches at St Germain School and doubles as the assistant Director of Young and Lonely Foundation (YLF) an affiliate of St Germain School. The social intervention programmes introduced by the St. Germain School complex and Young and Lonely Foundation (YLF) to support the vulnerable especially women and children made Philip offer his services to the school and YLF for free. Over the years, Philip has designed series of programmes with the help of the school to educate, counsel, empower and link students to institutions where they are given scholarship to pursue their studies.
Philip is looking forward to partner with individuals and organisation so as to put smiles on more vulnerable people in the society.



Esther O. Pinkrah

Subjects: Kindergarden teacher and house mistress

“I was born in the Eastern Region of Ghana and later moved to Agona Swedru. Ones I myself attended School at St. Germain School as a student. When I completed Senior High School I joined the Young and Lonely Foundation. As a peer educator, I raised awareness among my other peers on how to prevent themselves from sexual transmitted diseases (STDs). In addition, I educated the women in the communities, which didn’t care whether their children will go to school or not. Together we discussed the importance of health and education as well as the consequences of putting daughters into early marriages.

Coming to the health sector, I pursued my studies to become a pharmacist. Currently, I am  doing my voluntary internship at the Swedru Government Hospital. Here I work as a part-time Medicine Counter Assistance and my job is to give medicine prescribed by the doctors to the patients and to counsel them accordingly. Later that day, I come back to help in my school which is also now my home. I work as a Kindergarten teacher, and here I can bring in all the experiences I gathered ones as a peer educator. I love sharing interesting stories, jokes, poems and songs with the children.

Due to my good work I was elected as the house mistress. In this position I take care of the kids in the boarding house, bathing them, brushing their teeth and dressing them. I always make sure they are neat and look pretty. In fact, I wish even more children of the rural communities would attend this school. From my own experience, I know my school will transform their lives very much because any child who has attended school with us has a good story to tell. But it is rather unfortunately that our school bus that was going round the communities to bring children to the school for free has totally broken down. That was the easiest way to help bringing those vulnerable children to school. As a result of the breakdown of the bus, the number of students from rural communities drastically reduced since they can’t afford public transportation.

Above all, my biggest thanks goes to the almighty natural God of the whole universe for bringing me to Saint Germain School and in the hands of the most loving and caring “mother of all” – Madam Dorothy Eghan. She always reminds me of the saying “Dorothy day was a living Saint” (which means: “thanks for looking after the house while I’m away. You’re a saint!). And of course I am very grateful for being close like a sister to Gilbert Germain who is popularly known as “The warrior or the naturalist”. With their guidance and trainings, I have become more proud of my life now. I never regretted for a single second that I became part of this great family “Saint Germain” at the age of seven years.”


Emmanuel Marfo

Subjects: English, mathematics, integrated science and literature

“My name is Emmanuel Marfo and I Originated from Akuapim in the Western part of Ghana; I have been living in Agona Swedru for over 10 years. My job as a profession teacher has made me a patient man and improved my negotiation skills! My job also keeps me on my toes as I am always trying to learn new skills to keep pace with improving the talent and imparting knowledge in children (pupils). I especially value humor, being able to laugh at you, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box.

My job as a teacher allows me to pursue the twin interests of learning and putting smiles on the face of children in miscellaneous ways, and I consider it as a blessing to have a career aligned to my interests. As you can imagine, learning new thing and becoming creative, innovative and helping to bring out the best in children has made me a happy-go-lucky person with a positive outlook towards life.

I am a graduate of Jasikan College of Education (Cape Coast University). I took up Education as a career after majoring in English, Mathematics, Integrated Science, and other relatives’ subjects. I completed my Diploma as a teacher last year (2016) and received my teaching credential on March this year (2017). ST. Germain School was my alma mater. Academically, I am interested in writing, specifically news and short stories. I’d like my career to revolve around writing and entertainment, which I fondly call “the art of words and creativity”, for I believe in the power of words to induce change personally and globally. The capacity of words to make someone happy or sad has impressed me so much. To me, words are like math wherein one has to master and know a workable formula to deliver the right message.

I dedicate myself in providing help to students as well as to professionals who are having a difficult time in writing “their own essays in life”. I also offer tutorials for students who want to discover their talent, skill and the uniqueness in them. I provide efficient lessons and exercises that help students develop their cognitive domain, affective domain and psychological domain or even discover their hidden talents in them.

It is my vision for all people to once again appreciate the art of solving problem, innovative, and good leaders of our tomorrow. With the rapid development of technology, young people are losing this skill. It is my mission to help students slow down and truly articulate what they are trying to say. Putting grins on the face of children is my hobby and that’s why you will find me close to children with lot of infatuation. I do not dislike anything in life since I believe I have to accept people for what they are.

I love to teach at ST. Germain School Complex for numerous reasons, First and foremost the school is my alma mater as I said early on. Secondly, with the kind of teaching, training and motivation I got from Madam Dorothy Eghan has contributed to make me a great person today, based on that I have to pass this amaze teaches to the younger once and even unborn generation yet to be born. The school provides requisite skill to pupils and has great visions and missions and I want to be part for it achievement. Length of words can never express my passion for this school. Indeed, I am proud to be part of the school teaching staff and to see the school dreams to come to pass.”


Fatimatu Hamidu Otoo

Subjects: Social studies

“I was borne on 21st may 1990 in Akim Ofuasi a town located in the Eastern Region of Ghana. I come from an islamic family. Our family is comprised of my mother and father, my senior brother, 3 sisters and myself. I’m the elderly daughter of my parents although I have step siblings who are not my mother’s children. I stayed at Agona Swedru in the Central Region of Ghana since I was four years.

I’m a proud product of St. Germain Basic School where I learnt how to be a strong woman of substance and of virtue. I’m the woman I’ m today because of St. Germain Basic School. It is the vision of the school to train and empower young girls to grow so that they can become strong women in future. The school that transmitted a lot of virtues into me as an individual, I completed with not only good morals but also with good grades. This offered me admission into the Senior High School(SHS). My Senior High School life was very easy due to training given to me from my basic school.

After SHS I had the opportunity to work with a local base NGO as a Peer Educator(PE) where I educate my peers on HIV/AIDS and other related health issues. Also, I was given the opportunity to educate girls and women on women empowerment and women slavery in communities, churches/ mosques and in schools. Further, I work as a part time social studies teacher at St. Germain Basic School. I decided to teach in the school because I feel the school has impacted a lot in me so I should also impact on another young girl. I chose to teach at St. Germain not only to impact on young girls:  It is my strong believe that the vision of the school and my dreams are on the same direction.

It is my dream to run my own NGO in the next ten years to advocate on women empowerment, gender equality, human rights and sexual reproductive rights. Currently I am studying “Psychological Foundation of Education” at the University of Cape Coast Ghana (UCC). There have been some serious challenges with my studies especially regarding the fees. In this regard, I am grateful to Mr. Gilbert K. Germain and his mother who have been supporting me emotionally, financially and with pieces of advice, apart from the monthly allowance they pay me. I love to work and so I will always be around to work for the betterment of the school.”


Bismark Forson

Class teacher of primary two and member of Young and Lonely Foundation

I am Bismark Forson a high school graduate and a teacher in Saint Germain School. As the class teacher of primary two (B.S.2) I have been teaching since September 2016. Because of my love for vulnerable children and my desire to meet different people facing all kind of challenges, it is a living dream to be part of Saint Germain. As a member of the Young and Lonely Foundation I reach out to children and the less privileged in the society beyond my work as a teacher.

One of the greatest decisions in my life was to return back to the family that groomed me. After high school, I had the opportunity to work as a teacher in one of the best paying schools in my town but I could not opt for money instead of charity work.  My love for humanity and the need for the continuity of this life changing program was the key for me in the decision to return to Saint Germain School. Having witnessed hundreds of young people benefited from the work of Saint Germain School during my time as a student and the impact it has brought on their lives, I felt it was time to give something back. I do not see this foundation as any organization but I rather call it a “family”. My greatest aspiration is to be part of this life changing family and to help bright young students to realize their dreams.


Agyapong Arthur Peter

Subjects: Mathematics and integrated science 

“I am 25 years of age and I come from Agona Swedru in the central region of Ghana. I am a guy with a calm, gentle attitude and I attended school at Saint Germain when I was a child. When I completed my senior high education, I decided to teach and the school I chose was St Germain since I wanted to give something back to my former school which supported me in so many ways. I have been teaching at the JHS department of the school since 2012 up to date focusing on the subjects mathematics and integrated science – the core subjects in Ghana.

Currently, I also attend University of Education, Winneba (one of the key educational universities in Ghana) as a distance learner so as to improve my teaching skills. My service at St Germain School has helped a lot and I also established an army cadet corps in the school so as to train the students to have interest in Ghana police or prisons service when they complete school. Again I have been the form master at the JHS 3 for the past 5 years due to hard work and effective teaching.

I also engage myself in practical science with the students in order to arise their interest, retentive memory and to help them to gain more knowledge since the core principle of science is about observation and experimentation.”



Mavis Nti

Kindergarten teacher and Treasure

I am a woman of 32 years and I was born in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. I hold a NVTI Certificate in fashion design. In 2008 I decided to join the Saint Germain School as a teacher in the kindergarten. My motivation was to improve myself on handling children and to raise some money for a living. After working as a teacher for a year, I was asked to join the account section of the school in order to work as a treasure. So while I was teaching, I was helping in the account office at the same time. First, I was not having any idea of how to handle accounts. But due to the sound training provided to me by the proprietress Madam Dorothy Eghan, I became experienced and skilled in both areas of my job. Now I am married and a happy mother of two boys. First I was a little bit worried about the difficulties one could face as a young mother. But I soon found out that my teaching at kindergarten level has enabled me to be a good and devoted mother to my children.





Emmanuel Abanfo

Grade three teacher & staff’s secretary

“I am 25 years of age and a person who shows a character of love and sociability in the sight of others. I was also a student of Saint Germain School Complex from my infancy till the end of my junior high level in the year 2007 and was once taught by Mr. Gilbert K. Germain (founder of YLF). After completion in my secondary cycle of education, I came back to my former school, in the year 2011 as a teacher, teaching in class 3 (level 3). Aside from that I love to entertain pupils at end of term vacation. I use to organizse entertaining and educational programmes for the pupils jointly with my colleague teachers. These events aim at supporting our students to express their hidden talents and to unfold their full potential. Furthermore, I function as the school staff’s secretary. In this position I am responsible for organizing our meetings  where we try to discuss and solve issues concerning the school, pupils and the teaching staff. The reason why I decided to work in my former school is rootet in its vision: The extraordinary charity and sympathy that the school shows towards the unprivileged pupils is an inspiration for our society. These precious values life on till now and they strengthen my moral dedication to encourage the young ones as it was done for me and my colleagues during my time of education.”




Gloria Germain Afari

Substitute teacher

“I am Gloria Germain Afari and I started at St. Germain school complex at the age of 3 years and completed at the age of 15 years. After my junior high graduation, I went to teach at St. Germain School Complex for three (3) months to wait for my results. I helped as a substitute teacher at the kindergarten level. Through my teachings I learnt a lot of things like how to care for children. I also learnt that children need more attention than I always thought. Whenever I go through difficulties in handling the children, I go to Mr. Gilbert for guidelines. This has really helped me in how to control myself in terms of difficulties. I was also able to advice the kids whenever they face difficulties and they also attend to me for advice. The motivations and guides Mr. Gilbert has been giving me, enabled me to upgrade my future to a higher level.

Due to his advices, I have been able to aim high and dream high. I am determined to become a minister for gender, children and social protection one day. From my personal experience, I discovered the power within us women. It is my firm believe that we have the right of becoming who we want to become. In our culture most women do not know their rights and power. It is my mission in life to change these lives for good. From time to time, I also follow the Young and Lonely Foundation to their educational meetings what has helped me a lot. Being with Mr. Gilbert and the St. Germain School also has given me the precious opportunity to get in touch with foreigners especially from Germany and Sweden. I am proud being a member of the St. Germain family!”


Francis Arthur

Subjects: R.M.E., Fantse and sports

“I am 46 years of age and a teacher in St. Germain school complex. I have taught in this school since 1994, about 23 years ago since it is one of the best schools in the Municipality. I hold a Diploma in basic education. My subjects are R.M.E and Fantse (the local language in Ghana) in JHS and the results turned out to be the best in the school at BECE (external exams organized by WAEC). Furthermore, I am the sports teacher of the school. I take the children through training in order to make them participate well during inter schools competitions. St. Germain is a school I have taught all this while and have no regret at all. My vision always has been to teach the children to become useful citizens in future. Through my teachings I guided many students who have completed the school and became successful and responsible members of the ghanaian society.”





Daniel Doku Sackey

Subjects: I.C.T teacher

“I hail from kpone in the Greater Accra of Ghana. I am an exuberant young man who completed senior high school at Mfantsipim School which is one of the best secondary schools in Ghana. I like playing instruments such as the violin, clarinet, saxophone and few to be mentioned. I also have a passion for teaching children and helping them to attain the best skills and knowledge they need so they can become whatever they wish in the future. I just love teaching that is why I decided to branch into that sector.

As an I.C.T  teacher from primary to JHS, I enjoy the simply things in life. Being happy is a state of mind and I don’t think people should settle for less than they deserve. I always look towards the next best thing like seeing people happy and when someone else is down, it breaks my heart. Due to this, I do my possible best to let these young ones forget about their sorrows. Sometimes I even buy gifts for my class just to surprise them. I also go extra miles by chatting with them deeply to know their concerns and help them in solving them.

I have been through more than most people of my age, but hey, it’s what has made me stronger in life. Life has thrown me challenges and so far I’ve been able to survive. I have a vision to help these little ones to become whatever they want in the future so they can redeem their families from poverty.”


Mercy Arthur

Subjects: Religious Education, English, French

“My name is Mercy Arthur. I am a lady of 27 years and a major beneficiary and product of Young and Lonely Foundation. I started schooling at Saint Germain School Complex in Agona Swedru, Ghana. I passed through this noble institution from Nursery till I completed Junoir High School in 2005.

I remember becoming a great target of benevolence by my alma mata (Saint Germain School) when I lost my father at the age of 5. It got to a point where all hope was lost and I had to drop out of school due to difficulties my mother was facing in paying my school fees. Here the school authorities stepped in upon knowing the bright future ahead and made a lot of sacrifices for my sake. Due to this life changing support I completed junior high school and furthered my education through secondary to tertiary level.

Currently I hold a diploma in journalism and an advance certificate in English language all with the help and foundation I attained from Saint Germain School Complex. I have served with Young and Lonely Foundation as a secretary and have rendered a lot of serves that have empowered women and children as a social worker. I am also a part time primary school teacher for my alma mata who teaches Religious education and English language and a little French as well. Due to the help I received from Saint Germain and YLF, I have developed the heart to assist other vulnerable fellows too.”


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